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I am very fortunate to have a classroom that is bigger than a broom closet! I started out in a very small office, but one year a larger room became available and I moved right in! The larger space (about half the size of a regular classroom) is perfect for storing my materials (no more lugging things back and forth between home and work) and provides ample space for decoration. This is where the magic happens, lol!
I love having a large carpet for my social skills groups or large group activities!
My "Brag Tag" wall -- this is how we keep track of brag tags. Each student has a superhero character with their face on it and brag tags hung on.
I have my Speech Room Rules posted in plain view.
I love these Word/Idiom of the Week pocket charts by Educational Insights!
This is the social skills section of my bulletin board.
Speech Room
I don't know how I ever survived without a whiteboard! Magnetic tape has become my BEST friend!
Speech Room
I set up my Hidden Heart game as part of my bulletin area.
Speech Room
This is where most of the therapy happens.

Speech Room
The paperwork corner - sadly I can't do without it!
Speech Room
The articulation section of my bulletin board area. The envelopes are where I store my Articulation Word cards.
Speech Room
This pocket chart contains a card for each of my student that shows their IEP goal(s). It is a great way to make students accountable for what they are working on.

Hopefully some of my set up is giving you some ideas for your own room! Let me know if you are curious about anything in particular, I'd be happy to share more information!

1 comment:

  1. Where did you get your speech room rules?? Great ideas!
